All Geldings entered at the sale are automatically entered for the Show. Your lot number is your exhibitor number. There is no entry fee.
These classes will be held in the sales ring on Friday morning at 9.00am.
Judge - TBC
Class 1 Welsh Mountain Pony Section A Gelding – any age
Class 2 Welsh Pony Section B Gelding – any age
Class 3 Welsh Part bred Gelding – any age (14.2hh or under)
The Small Championship for the Best Gelding in classes 1,2 and 3 – winning the Boothsdale Stud Shield kindly donated by the Boothsdale stud.
Class 4 Welsh Pony of Cob type Section C Gelding – any age
Class 5 Welsh Cob Section D Gelding – any age
Class 6 Welsh Part bred Gelding (over 14.2hh)– any age
The Large Championship for the Best Gelding in classes 4,5 and 6 winning the trophy in memory of the late Caroline Mon Griffiths
Both Gelding Champions will then compete for the Supreme Gelding Award.
Please support the Gelding show if you have one entered for the sale. The Society would like to thank Sarum Stud for their generous support for the Gelding Show.